Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Trip to Colorado--by Ruby

I had a super fun trip to Colorado for Uncle Josh's wedding. 
Bride and groom busy 

Let me back up and tell about the WHOLE trip:

Adults always complain about no leg room on the planes.
What about me? I had no head room...
I got to hang out with cousin Madeline. She's a cool big girl.

Cousin Grant stayed by and watched.
He was too shy to get too close. Silly boy.

Madeline thought I was trying to kiss her.
Really I was trying to pull her hair.

Madeline let me play with ALL her big girl toys.
It was so fun. She kept bringing me more and more.

We had fun at the wedding too. I have a new Aunt Rachel. That makes two Aunt Rachels and one Great-Aunt Rachel that I now have. Cool!

Mommy wore these shoes to the wedding. She calls them "Ruby red slippers".
She says she got them because I'm her Ruby.
That's nice, but those don't look like slippers to me, but considering how many times she looked like she was slipping and nearly falling off of them, maybe they are "slippers."

Miraculously, she never fell all the way to the ground (though it was pretty close lots of times)

This is my baby cousin Gauge.
He's a full two weeks younger than me. So I'm the big girl!

Cousin Lydia is such a pretty flower girl!

Come on, enough with the paparazzi.
I have a lot of important food I need to steal off of Mommy's plate. 

Cousin Grant is my role model.

I can't wait until I can play with them!

OK, Mom. I know you're busy talking.
But must I get lost under all this hair?

When my Mom told me I had to take a nap,
 I was very relieved to get rescued from the boredom by Madeline!

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