Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year!

The end of the year…
As I approach the end of the year, I can’t help but feel excited.
“Why?” you ask.
Well, for a number of reasons: I should be graduating, hopefully we’ll be getting jobs and living far above the poverty line, Ruby will start crawling/walking/talking soon, I will be turning the landmark 25, etc.
But the thing that I am the most excited for is (drumroll please)………….

Skipbo? Let me explain:
Back in 2010 I won every game of Skipbo that Camm and I ever played. Morning, afternoon, or evening, I could slaughter him at that game. I loved it. We would play and play and I won EVERY time. We celebrated the New Year and shortly thereafter played again.
I lost. That’s curious. I always win this game. We played again. I lost. Again. I lost. Lost…lost…lost…lost. Game after GAME. Suddenly it occurred to me that I had not won a single game in the entire year of 2011. I tried again and again. And I lost and lost and lost. Over and over.

What do you think? Will 2012 be my year?


  1. Is that the hat I made on the main picture of Ruby? Does it fit? I want to see a better picture.

  2. I think evens must be your years. Here's to 2012!

  3. I love Skipbo! I can usually beat my husband but my Oma kicks my butt every time! I hope 2012 is your year, but you should let him win a few games or he may stop playing with you!

  4. HAHAHA!! Oh Miriam... You'll have to let us know how it goes!

  5. Just want to let everyone know it looks like Camm will be winning Skipbo in 2012! Jan. 2, 2012 at approx. 11:00am Camm WINS! I want to thank all my fans and Mattel for making this possible.

  6. Can I just click "like" on Camm's comment? Haha, sorry Miriam!
